====================================================================== ----------------------------- The Animaniacs IRC Dictionary (The AID) ----------------------------- This document contains words and abbreviations used in various Animaniacs-related channels on IRC, a.t.a., and the Internet. The two main Animaniacs-related channels are #watertower and #WarnerCafe. They are both on WTnet (http://www.wtower.com/). ====================================================================== Compiled by Nikka Warner with the help of many people--past, present, and future. This document is no longer updated. Last updated November 21, 1999 ====================================================================== A! - "Animaniacs." ack - An expression of surprise, or of being squished. Acme Labs - Where Pinky and the Brain live. AFAICT - "As far as I can tell." AFAIK - "As far as I know." AFK - "Away from keyboard." AIE! - An exclamation of total shock, surprise, or frustration, or it indicates that something is very scary or evil. Animaniacs - A humorous cartoon show produced by WBA, carried on various stations. "Animaniacs" stars Yakko, Wakko, and Dot Warner, and has many other characters in it. For much more information, go to the hundreds of fan sites on the Internet... such as http://wbtower.ashyre.com/ Animx - "Animaniacs." AOP - An "automatic operator" is a person who is automatically op-ed by ChanServ when they enter the channel. How much a person can do with AOPs is decided by the Channel Founder. An AOP is less powerful than a SOP. arg, argh - An expression of frustration. Artemis - A verbalization of RTMS, "Related To Masem Somehow." ATA - See "a.t.a." a.t.a - "alt.tv.animaniacs," the newsgroup for "Animaniacs." a.t.a.p-b - "alt.tv.animaniacs.pinky-brain," the newsgroup for "Pinky and The Brain." a.t.f - "alt.tv.freakazoid," the newsgroup for "Freakazoid!" ATM - "At the moment." a.t.t-t - "alt.tv.tiny-toons," the newsgroup for "Tiny Toon Adventures." AYPWIP - "Are you pondering what I'm pondering?" A common question asked by Brain from "Animaniacs" and "Pinky and The Brain." bah - Indicates something unfair or contrary to what the person wanted. BAK - "Back at keyboard." bbiaf - (I will) "be back in a few" (minutes). bbl - (I will) "be back later." bbs - (I will) "be back soon." b/c - "Because." bf - "Boy friend." BFG9000 - "Big f***ing gun 9000." A weapon from the game "Doom" and seen as "BFG10000" in "Doom 2". In Doom it destroys just about everyone on screen, and in Doom 2 it kills almost everyone within a loooooooong distance. BFN - "Bye for now." BGF - "Boys, go fig!" biteme - "Bite me!" Said by someone to a person that has annoyed him/her, usually in the form "biteme!" bitey - An adjective describing someone who likes to bite, or a person who is mean, or someone/something that is being difficult, or something that is not working. blee - An interjection indicating something disgusting, bad, or icky. bleh, bleugh - An interjection indicating something yucky or bad. (Less intense than "blee.") BRB - (I will) "be right back." BTAS - "Batman: The Animated Series." BTW - "By the way." Cartoon Network - Time Warner television channel that airs WB and Hanna-Barbera cartoons. C&D - "Cease and desist," a cease and desist letter from a company ordering the recipient to stop doing what they say violates their civil rights (usually copyright). Channel Founder - A person who registered a channel and set the choices and options that they wanted. A channel founder has the most control over how they want their channel run. ChanOp - A "Channel Operator," which is a person with ops. ChanServ - IRC's "Channel Server" allows users who have registered their nicknames with NickServ to keep channels registered with the choices and options that they want. ChanServ keeps a channel's settings even when no one is in the channel, and ChanServ automatically will op people who join the channel that the channel founder or SOPs want op-ed and will ban people that the founder or the ops have banned. Type in "/msg chanserv help" for more information while on IRC. character - The "person" inside the channel interacting with the other characters. What character they are is determined by the nickname they're using when they join the channel. See "player" for comparison. Chez(nickname) - The house of the person in real life. CN - "Cartoon Network." A Time Warner television channel that airs WB and Hanna-Barbera cartoons. DIWK? - "Do I wanna know?" d'oh! - An interjection indicating a mistake. Dr. SNS - Doctor Scratchansniff, a character from "Animaniacs." DYN - "Did you notice...?" EG - Evil grin. egad - An interjection commonly used by Pinky from "Animaniacs" and "Pinky and The Brain." ehap - Originally a typo of "whap," it means to hit or smack with one's tail. F! - "Freakazoid!" faboo - A word used by Wakko on "Animaniacs" to indicate something really fun, cool, or good. FAQ - "Frequently Asked Questions," usually a document containing answers to questions about whatever it's a FAQ for. fjord - A stream, really, but in this case, it's used as an interjection by Pinky from "Animaniacs" and "Pinky and the Brain." fnar - "For no apparent reason." Freakazoid! - A cartoon show produced by WBA and currently airing in reruns on Cartoon Network. "Freakazoid!" tells the adventures of a geeky computer nerd named Dexter Douglas who is turned into a wacky "freakazoid" with super-powers. fsr - "For some reason." fssr - "For some strange reason." fthoi - "For the h*** of it." FWIW - "For what it's worth." , *g* - Grin. gf - "Girl friend." GMTA - "Great minds think alike." GPF - "General Protection Fault." It's when a program tries to access memory it's not "allowed" to on machines with Windows. harf - To cough up a hairball or vomit, or to be bad or suck, or to malfunction. HD - "Hard drive." HDD - "Hard disk drive." HelpServ - IRC's "Help Service" provides the standard ircII help service. Type "/msg helpserv help" for more information while on IRC. HFB - "Happy fun bouncy." HM - "House-mate." IDNKT - "I did not know that." IDNTS - "I do not think so." IDTS - "I don't think so." IDWK - "I don't wanna know." See also IDWTK, YDWK, YDWTK, and DIWK? IDWTK - "I don't want to know." IIRC - "If I recall correctly." IKWYM - "I know what you mean." IMHO - "In my humble opinion." IMNSHO - "In my not-so-humble opinion." IMO - "In my opinion." INGSI - "I'm not gonna say it." IRC - "Internet Relay Chat" is a form of chatting on-line with other people from around the world by connecting to an IRC server using a program for IRC. Servers are often linked together to create IRC 'networks' where a person on one server can communicate with a person on any other server on that network. There are several IRC networks, such as EFnet, DALnet, WTnet, etc. IRC-admin - The "IRC administrator" is a person who has access to all files concerning IRCd. IRCd - "Internet Relay Chat Daemon." The IRC software that each server runs. IRCops - IRC's "IRC Operators" offer assistance with services and IRC questions, help manage problem behavior, and maintain network stability. Their privileges are given to them by an IRC-admin. IRDWK - "I REALLY don't wanna know." IRL - "In real life." ITA - "I totally agree." iykwim - "If you know what I mean." jfthoi - "Just for the h*** of it." jk, j/k - "Just kidding." Kids' WB! - Warner Brother's children programming service, which carries such shows as "Animaniacs," "Pinky and the Brain," "Superman," "Batman," and others. KWB - "Kids' WB!" LDR - "Long distance relationship." LMAO - "Laughing my a** off." LOL - "Laugh(ing) out loud." LT - "Looney Tunes." LTNS - "Long time, no see!" MEAB - "My Eyes Are Burning!," a form of "jinx!" here. MEAB! is what is said when one person and another say (or do) the same thing at the same time. It doesn't apply to greetings or farewells. meef - A word a squirrel might say. MemoServ - IRC's "Message Server" allows users who have registered their nicknames with NickServ to send short memos to other users, even when the other user is off-line. Also, users can send memos to registered channels, and it will go to the ops and founder of the channel. Type in "/msg memoserv help" for more information while on IRC. mewf - A sound from a cat. MGE - "*Mwah* Goodnight Everybody!," used when someone says something rather lewd. Said by Yakko from "Animaniacs" occasionally. MM - "Merrie Melodies." naf - "Nice and fuzzy," something really fun, cool, or good. narf - An interjection commonly used by Pinky from "Animaniacs" and "Pinky and the Brain." "Narf" does not stand for anything. The word originates from a WBA animator named Eddie Fitzgerald who would say "narf" in real life. nas - "Nod(s) and smile(s)," used when a person doesn't understand but doesn't really care anyway. netsplit - When a server becomes overloaded for one reason or another, or a major network hub temporarily goes down. People on opposite sides of the split get separated from each other, and usually the connection freezes until a new route can be found or until the network just dumps all connections trying to be routed that way. NickServ - IRC's "Nickname Server" will register a nickname for a person which then prevents other people from being able to use that nickname. Registering a nickname allows a user to register a channel with ChanServ, and also allows them to send and receive memos with MemoServ. Type in "/msg nickserv help" for more information while on IRC. NIDNTS - "No I do not think so." nnaf - "Not nice and fuzzy," something not naf. np, n/p - "No problem." NRotS - "Newsreel of the Stars." nutbunnies! - An interjection used by Freakazoid, indicating something happened contrary to what was wanted. NWIH - "No way in h***." OBTW - "Oh, by the way..." OFF - "Our Favorite Family," meaning the "Simpsons." OIC - (Pronounce the letters out loud.) "Oh I see." okkay - Okay. "And remember: Yakko spelt backwards is Okkay!" Op - An "operator" is a person with some degree of control over a channel. In a channel, op status is indicated by an @ symbol before the person's nick. An Op can kick or ban people, change the topic, or do other fun stuff. How much an Op can do is determined by what settings the channel founder set. OperServ - IRC's "Operator Service" can only be accessed by IRCops, and provides commands not provided in the other services. OTOH - "On the other hand..." PaTB, P&tB - "Pinky and the Brain." pb, p/b - "Potty break." peepsk - A fun word. ping - To send out a command that reports how much lag exists between the sender and someone else. Pinging is done by typing "/ctcp ping nick," or to ping an entire channel, type "/ctcp ping #channel." The sender then receives a ping reply. ping reply - A ping reply shows how much lag there is between two computers. The reply is sent back in seconds. If the number of seconds is high, then either the sender or the other person is lagged. See also "pong." Pinky and the Brain - A spin-off show from "Animaniacs," about the adventures of two lab mice who try to take over the world in a different way each episode--and never quite get it. player - The person (sitting behind the computer) in real life. See "character" for comparison. poit - An interjection used by Pinky on "Animaniacs" and "Pinky and the Brain." "Poit" does not stand for anything. pong - A "pong" can be sent with a ping reply. IRC programs can be set to send an automatic reply when someone pings them, and in this case, the reply is generally something from IRC or elsewhere that is witty, humorous, or humorously disgusting. pong! - Someone thinks that something someone said is disgusting or witty enough to be put in a pong file. pong file - The file people use to put their pongs in. ppl - "People." PPPGALF - "Please Please Please Get A Life Foundation." The "Animaniacs" cartoon short inspired from reading Animaniacs fan documents like the CRGA and POIT. The PPPGALF is an imaginary program for fans obsessed with pointless Animaniacs trivia and whose lives revolve around nit-picking Animaniacs. Alt.tv.animaniacs is humorously considered the PPPGALF, but actually is the root of it. ptlp - Spotspeak for Portland, Oregon. Re - A greeting for when a person returns. (Literally, "repeat hi.") regged - "Registered." RFC - "Really F***ing Cranky." RL - "Real life." ROFL - "Rolling on (the) floor laughing." ROTFL - "Rolling on the floor laughing." ROTFLMAO - "Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off." RP - "Roleplay(ing)." RTFM - "Read The F***ing Manual." RTMS - "Related To Masem Somehow." Includes Katie, Dot, and Taper. , *s* - Smile. S&TM, SATM - The "Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries." segfault - It's when a program tries to access memory it's not "allowed" to on machines with Unix. server - A server is the address that connects a person to IRC. There are many addresses that can be used to connect to IRC. Which server is chosen effects what network the user connects to. For example, if one would like to connect to IRC on the DALnet, they could use "irc.dal.net" which will put them on a random DALnet server. If one wanted to connect to a specific server on DALnet, like Spider, they would use "spider.dal.net". services - User services provided on IRC for anyone, which may include NickServ, ChanServ, HelpServ, MemoServ, and others. skritch - To scratch a character in a nice/caring way, like one would a pet. smore - "Some more." Snaf - "Sleep nice and fuzzy," said when a person leaves to go to sleep. snog - To kiss with the tongue, like a 'French kiss.' A British word. SO - "Significant Other," meaning a boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse. SOP - A "super operator" is a person who is automatically op-ed by ChanServ when they enter the channel. How much a person can do with SOPs is decided by the Channel Founder. A SOP can make people AOPs, and are more powerful than AOPs. split - See "netsplit." spot - spot is a former #wt regular whose typos and abbreviations (known as "spotspeak") contributed greatly to the words and abbreviations. spotspeak - A set of abbreviations and typoed words used by spot, that became the basis for this dictionary. Also common to spotspeak is an abnormal use of the letter q in place of c or k sounds. Check out The Spotspeaq List at http://tettie.wtower.com/spotspeak/ spotspeaq - "Spotspeak" in spotspeak. See "spotspeak." tfs - "Thanks for sharing," said sarcastically. Used when someone says something not particularly tactful. thbpht - An interjection, used to verbally represent a "raspberry;" a spitting noise made with the tongue. Used to insult or brush off a disliked person or statement. Tiny Toon Adventures - WB's re-entry into the animation business (it premiered in 1990), a show featuring younger versions of the classic Looney Tunes characters, and set in Acme Acres. It was, in many ways, the precursor to "Animaniacs," and went out of production in 1992 to make way for it. TiTeeth - Wakko's titanium teeth. tmi - "Too much information." TMS - "Tokyo Movie Shinsha," an excellent animation company. *TONK* - The sound KinkyTurtle's shell makes when someone pokes him. TRM - "That reminds me." TTA - "Tiny Toon Adventures." TTFN - "Ta-ta for now." TTYL - "Talk to you later." TVV - "The Variable Verse." The third to the last line in the "Animaniacs" theme song, like "Here's the show's name-y!" twmptu - "That was more pointless than usual." twp - "That was pointless." Usenet - The collection of news servers that send posts from newsgroups to each other. vhialthe - spotspeak for "chocolate." vnaf - "Very nice and fuzzy," something very fun, cool, or good. warez - Pirated software. warezd00d - A derogatory term for self-styled piracy-elitists who tend to go by "kewl" names like WaReZdo0d and have a "kewl" terminology, like "kewl." WarnerSpeak - A made-up language used in the past at alt.tv.animaniacs. WarnerSpeak is written in CVCCV (Consonant - Vowel - Consonant - Consonant - Vowel) form. For more information, go to: http://wbtower.ashyre.com/ata/warnersp.txt WB - As a greeting: "Welcome back." Otherwise: "Warner Brothers." WBA - "Warner Brothers Animation." WBSS - "Warner Brothers Studio Store." WBWP - "Warner Brothers Worldwide Publishing." WDTA - "Whoa, dumber than advertised!" whee, woohoo - Indicates something fun, cool, or good. WRT - "With regards to." WTDM - "Way too d*** much." WTF - "What the f***." WTH - "What the h***." wtmi - "Way too much information." WunnePekke - "WarnerSpeak" in WarnerSpeak. See "WarnerSpeak." wwtmi - "Way WAY too much information!" YASM - "You ALL scare me!" YBSM - "You beyond scare me!" An intense version of YSM. yeeg - Indicates something yucky, bad, or pathetically stupid. yeep - An expression of surprise. Yen Sid - (Read it backwards.) "Disney." yerf - A word a fox might say. yiep! - An expression of surprise. yiff - Sexual intercourse, or a word a fox might say. yiffy - Sexually aroused. yig-ped - A word KinkyTurtle might say. yip - A word a fox might say. YKYBWTMAW - "You know you've been watching too much Animaniacs when...." YMMV - "Your mileage may vary." Means that whatever the person is talking about may be different for someone else. YPSM - "You people scare me." YRSM - "You REALLY scare me." YSM - "You scare me!" See also YASM, YBSM, YPSM, and YRSM. YW&D - "Yakko, Wakko, and Dot." The main stars of the show "Animaniacs." zort - An interjection commonly used by Pinky from "Animaniacs" and "Pinky and the Brain" that does not stand for or mean anything. zounds - An interjection commonly used by Pinky from "Animaniacs" and "Pinky and the Brain." ====================================================================== This document's URL is http://wbtower.ashyre.com/irc/the-aid.html ====================================================================== ~ a nine three production ~